• Vidéoprojecteur
  • Optiques

Objektive und Linsen

Objectives and Lenses

Objectifs and Lentilles


Digital Projection DPI-Insight Mounting Adapter/Collar for Schneider 0.72:1
Insight Mounting Adapter/Collar for Schneider 0,72:1 lens -
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Insight 2.53-4.98:1
Lens Insight 2,53-4,98:1 - 4K-UHD and 8K 2,70-5,31:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Insight 1.65-2.60:1
Lens Insight 1,65-2,60:1 - 4K-UHD and 8K 1,76-2,77:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Insight 1.13-1.72:1
Lens Insight 1,13-1,72:1 - 4K-UHD and 8K 1,21-1,83:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Insight 0.93:1
Lens Insight 0,93:1 not for Insight Laser 8k - 4K-UHD 0,99:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 6.92-10.36:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 6,92-10,36:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 6,92-10,36:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 4.16-6.96:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 4,16-6,96:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 4,16-6,96:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 2.56-4.16:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 2,56-4,16:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 2.56-4.16:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 1.87-2.56:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 1,87-2,56:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 1,87-2,56:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 1.39-1.87:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 1,39-1,87:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 1,39-1,87:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 1.16-1.49:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 1,16-1,49:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 1,16-1,49:1
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 1.12:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 1,12:1 - Only for use on WUXGA model
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 0.8-1.16:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 0,8-1,16:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 0.8-1.16:1
(including support kit)
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 0.67:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 0,67:1 - Only for use on WUXGA model
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 0.65-0.85:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 0,65-0,85:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 0.65-0.85:1
Right angled lens
Digital Projection DPI-Lens Titan WUXGA 0.37:1
Lens Titan WUXGA 0,37:1 - 4K-UHD Lens Ratio 0.37:1
Right angled lens
Digital Projection DPI-HIGHLite Conversion Lens 0.6x for 1.45-1.74:1
HIGHLite Conversion Lens 0,6x for 1.45-1.74:1 lens -
Digital Projection DPI-Lens HIGHlite 2.17-2.90:1
Lens HIGHlite 2,17-2,90:1 - For HL Head upto 10000 Lumen
Digital Projection DPI-Lens HIGHlite 1.74-2.17:1
Lens HIGHlite 1,74-2,17:1 - For HL Head upto 10000 Lumen
Digital Projection DPI-Lens HIGHlite 2.0-3.9:1
Lens HIGHlite 2.0-3.9:1 - For HL Head upto 20000 Lumen 5050070900