• Accessorios Vídeo
  • Videoprojectors
  • Distribución vídeo
  • TV
  • Pantallas de proyección
  • Videowalls
  • Servidores de Vídeo
  • Fuentes
  • Servicios
  • Procesadores de vídeo

Processeurs Vidéo

Video Processors

Procesadores de vídeo


Procesory Wideo

Lumagen Radiance Pro 5348
The Radiance Pro 5348 video processor with ten 18 GHz inputs, two 18 GHz outputs, and one audio-only
output, in a 1U case.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 5244
The Radiance Pro 5244 video processor with six 18 GHz inputs, two 18 GHz outputs in a 1U case.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 4446-18G
The Radiance Pro 4446 video processor with eight 18 GHz inputs, three 18 GHz outputs, and one audio-only
output, in a 1U case.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 4444-18G
The Radiance Pro 4444 video processor with six 18 GHz inputs, three 18 GHz outputs, and one audio-only
output, in a 1U case.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 4246-18G
The Radiance Pro 4246 video processor with eight 18 GHz inputs, one 18 GHz outputs, and one audio-only
output, in a 1U case.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 4244-18G
The Radiance Pro 5348 video processor with six 18 GHz inputs, one 18 GHz outputs, and one audio-only
output, in a 1U case.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 4242-18G
The Radiance Pro 5348 video processor with four 18 GHz inputs, one 18 GHz outputs, and one audio-only
output, in a 1U case.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 4240-18G
The Radiance Pro 4210 video processor with two 18 GHz inputs, one 18 GHz outputs, and one audio-only
output, in a 1U case.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 4140
The Radiance Pro 4140 incorporates a single 18GHz input and 9GHz output in a compact case design with the same outstanding video processing as other models in the Radiance Pro series.
Lumagen Radiance Pro 4140-18G
“The Radiance Pro 4140 incorporates a single 18GHz input and 18GHz output in a compact case design with the same outstanding video processing as other models in the Radiance Pro series.